Professional Family Law Service
DIVORCE: Are you headed for a divorce? I can help you every step of the way, from considering your options, to negotiating a settlement, to litigating a fully contested hearing on the issues.
PATERNITY: Have you separated from the parent of you child? If you were not married, you need to define your rights and responsibilities through a paternity action.
CUSTODY AND VISITATION: Your child is the most precious thing in your life. Studies show that children who have a healthy relationship with both parents turn out happier and more emotionally well-adjusted. But sometimes a parent’s behavior can be physically or emotionally harmful to a child. In that case, you need someone who knows how to fight for you and your child. I have fought hundreds of custody cases in her 24 years of practice. I have also obtained custody orders for non-parents (such as grandparents or step parents) when the natural parents are unable to care for or support their child.
CHILD SUPPORT: I will make sure that the support amount is reasonable and fair. If you have trouble collecting child support, I can offer you different avenues to collect the money.
GRANDPARENT VISITATION: Grandparents do have a right to court ordered visitation with their grandchildren under certain circumstances, and I have helped many grandparents get this.
ADOPTION: These are the happiest cases to have. I have handled over 100 adoptions in my career and hope to do more.
GUARDIANSHIP: Often, a guardianship is needed when a loved one is unable to care for themselves physically or financially. Guardianships can also be established for the care of minor children.
CHILDREN IN NEED OF SERVICES: Knowing your rights is essential in these cases.